22 Oct Ippon – A Cosme project to facilitate access to tenders for the MPMI of Tuscia
The Chamber of Commerce of Viterbo organized the workshop “Public tenders: instruments for access and participation” on Friday 19 October 2018. The meeting, which saw the participation of various companies in the area, opened with the intervention of the General Secretary Francesco Monzillo who presented a quick overview of the European Ippon project and its pre-eminent goals.
The program of the day also provided for the in-depth analysis of the lawyer Antonella Mirabile focused on one hand to provide the participants with technical-practical elements to support participation in tenders and on the other to establish a first contact with interested economic operators to continue the subsequent individual, specific and structural training activities to support concrete participation in public tenders.
The seminar ended with brief cognitive meetings, lasting about 15 minutes each, useful for a first general analysis of the single operators, supported by questionnaires that the participants were asked to fill out concerning their propensity to participate in tenders , the working method, the degree of involvement of other actors (ATI, Consorzi etc …) in the participation in tenders, the possession or not of quality certifications and other elements capable of substantially affecting the probability of success.
We are confident about the future of this activity, which, despite being a pilot project, we hope that by the end of the year some companies will be able to approach tenders in a more conscious and effective way.
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